Have you ever made the statement, “One day I am going to…?” What day is planned exactly? Is it already on your calendar? How many “one days” have come and gone while you brewed and stewed on your great idea but just never found the “right day?”
Your “one day” may take effort and some strategy but it is not too late. What about today?
I love to coach people. I especially like helping people develop their own book ideas and the logistics of getting started. Coaching is energizing to me as I see dreams realized. It is about discovering what is already there and merely drawing from the rich well of their own dreams, ideas and creativity buried by busy schedules and overbooked lives. Existence and survival are exchanged for making time to live the dream. What could be stopping you from your “one day?”
Whether it is a business, book, design, or building a new house , all of it has a starting point. From there you can begin to lay out the blueprints and your efforts, to start, will be complimented by your steps to move forward. What could be holding you back?
As a coach, I ask questions that have no wrong answers. However, it will take courage to consider all the obstacles that box you in and face them with determination to work through them. So, you have a good idea? If you don’t develop it, who will?
I heard it said once that the richest place in our society is the local cemetery. There lie books unwritten, plans not shared, business and inventions never implemented and stories untold. Having a dream and living it are on two separate levels. The travesty of your “one day” is your permission to keep on living where you are currently with no consideration of the regrets to come when looking back. Consider your dream and one step you can take towards it today.
What steps can you begin today as you unfold that dream you have been sitting on?
When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!