I can remember hating my birthday on July 25th, for it marked the winding down of summer and the dreaded back to school prep. How does the summer go by so fast? It is hard to plan vacations any more with games, special classes, activities with the church, camps and outreaches and finding a summer job. I do not remember my summers as a child as busy as the summers of my own children. Who rests anymore?

In our home we are gearing up for school—nationally and internationally. Our daughter, Lydia, 18, is on her way to Germany to work with “Youth With a Mission.” She will be attending intensive leadership training for three months and then going to serve in another nation, yet to be announced. Her school supplies are a bit more involved, from a mosquito net and sleeping bag to winter boots and coats for the Bavarian landscape.

Our son, 16, is now a junior in high school, and his schedule looks like he is off to college. His big addition is a car registration after getting his license this summer. There will be no driving to the library since most of his text books are online and Google has given every student the advantage for life. His laptop, special slide calculator and iPhone are now valid tools for school, studying and note taking.  SO, why the supply list that looks similar to when I was in high school? The only thing missing is scissors, glue and crayons. Ah, but that is in our grandson’s backpack at the ripe old age of four.

In thinking about school beginning this week I am reminded that life is the classroom. Each day provides opportunities for learning something new and expanding our knowledge. Being teachable is about more than just learning some subject. The goal is to love learning. No one has arrived and there is always more. Are you teachable, no matter the age and experience? Can you get more education and increase your skills too? I have heard homeschool parents say they love teaching their children because they are learning too.  I know many teachers and professors who love the subjects they teach because they keep learning. And I know some who hate school and have chosen a trade instead. Either way, no matter the position, all of us are still learning. Remaining teachable will improve everyone’s game, knowing that school is for life and not merely some academic course.

Take the time to know what your children are studying and then find ways to talk about it at your dinner table or as you travel. Point out the value of what they are learning. Math never seemed important until I had a bank account and learned to shop for bargains. Geometry seemed like a waste until the carpet salesman misfigured our family room rug and shorted us by two feet. Home-Ec, back in the day, was filled with laughter and a blow-off class until I had a family of my own who expected food for dinner. And, that typing teacher of mine who demanded that I not look down when learning to type is now my favorite teacher. Now, I never look down to type on my keyboard, nor even turn on my computer monitor to write. I keep typing in the dark and remain teachable for each lesson life brings my way. What about you? Love learning and value life’s teachers. Remember, it takes so little to be above average.

What is your favorite subject in this classroom of LIFE?

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!