During the years my husband was a pastor in Illinois, we attended a pastor’s conference at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, pastored by John Hagee. It was outstanding, and the limited attendees kept it intimate with personal time to get to know others well.

Friends of ours from Georgia were some of the guest speakers and were longtime friends of Diana and John Hagee. This connection provided opportunity to have dinner with the Hagee’s and our friends on the first night of the gathering. I was struck by Pastor Hagee’s fun-loving ways, booming voice and his sweet wife.

Each day the convention grew in practical help, inspiration and times away in the city to just have time to enjoy the break from pastoral duties. The River Walk and great Latino music created a memorable open-air evening as we enjoyed Mexican food and fellowship. Every detail had been thought out, and you knew a pastor had been part of the planning because it was the perfect balance of what was needed to be refreshed.

The last night of the conference all were invited to dinner at the Hagee home. John’s wife, Diana, was gracious and John hospitable as the ending celebrated pastors from all over the States. At the end of the meal a small band played on the patio of their home. Unexpectedly, I was called out of the crowd to sing for the group of two hundred. I had no doubt my dear friend, Bill Ligon, had told the Hagees I was a singer. Even as I write, I can remember vividly the crowd standing around the band and then parting in the middle to make my path clear, as I took my place with the musicians to sing “To God Be the Glory.” It was a night to remember.

A few years afterwards we had reason to be with the Hagee’s again, and I was pregnant with our son, Connor. Pastor John prayed over me and the high risk pregnancy I was experiencing. He knew our story and how I had gradually lost my eyesight with each of our children. His heart was tender as his booming voice prayed with authority and a confidence that God was with us.

Two summers ago Connor joined my husband and me for a special event held at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, hosted by our Governor. I ran into Pastor Hagee in the green room during one of the sessions, and Connor was with me that day. I greeted the well-known pastor and asked if he remembered praying over me and the baby I was carrying many years ago . He exclaimed that, of course, he remembered me. I reached for Connor’s arm to bring him into the conversation and said to him, “Pastor Hagee, meet the answer to your prayers.”

Connor towered over the pastor, as he stood tall with his muscles visible, and John laughed with joy to see the answer had not only come but had also grown into a man-sized testimony of His faithfulness and love.

Thank you, John Hagee, for your tenacious voice of righteousness to our land and your noncompromising faith in God. Your prayers have impacted our home with great joy.

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!