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Gail’s Blog

Biggo Red Barn

January 28th, 2013|

I loved my speaking engagement this past Sunday! I had a biggo time at the red barn of the Whitewright King’s Trail Cowboy Church. Talk about a loving and friendly group. I could only stand before the packed audience for a few minutes when I said I had something to confess before I could […]

Thanks for Life

January 22nd, 2013|

To those of you who show up to help, to volunteer, to work and to fight on the front lines, saving lives, sharing hope, pleading with those who can’t see the value of life—thank you.

Thank you for your courage, and willingness to shed light on seemingly blind eyes. What you do does not go […]


January 10th, 2013|

Of late, I have heard a word used to describe the affect I have on others. It is the word disarming. It is because of my humor at times, but always in what I see that surprises everyone. AND, timing is the key to any good line or impact.

For example, my husband and I […]

Infectious Joy

January 7th, 2013|

“Infectious Joy” was the theme for a conference in Boise, where I spoke five times one weekend.  I could hardly wait to see if the weekend would be filled with laughter or game hunting and me given my own rifle in the mountains.  However, much to my surprise, a funny thing happened at the […]

Out with the Old and In with the New

January 3rd, 2013|

Out with the old and in with the new is appropriate as we have stepped across the threshold of a new season. What will this year hold? More important, what is in your reach? What are you holding from last year that impairs you from grabbing the New Year with promise?

I wrote a handful […]

Happy New Year!

December 30th, 2012|

Standing at the edge of leaving one more year behind and advancing towards a new one confirms that time is like a vapor. What new great possibility awaits you this year? 

2013 is yours…Realize you have been strategically positioned. Anyone could have your place, but it is you. You are perfect for your assignment. Your […]


December 27th, 2012|

I hope your Christmas was filled with joy and His presence. The challenge has always been to keep the real focus of the celebration of Christmas in balance with all the busy December dates and events, shopping, budgeting, food preparations and anticipating family and all they bring to your table. Our McFamily Thanksgiving and […]

Merry Christmas!

December 24th, 2012|

I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them. -Isaiah 42:16 NKJV

Merry Christmas to you!

What joy! What good news! […]

In Loving Memory of My Husband, Tony McWilliams

December 21st, 2012|

In loving memory usually denotes some comments long after a life is over.

However, Tony is alive and well and today we celebrate the joy of Christmas once more.

Though my husband lives, he has died to himself on so many levels while loving me these past thirty-four years of marriage. No man could have demonstrated […]

Merry Christmas, Lydia!

December 20th, 2012|

Christmas this year has no dazzle or interest for me. I usually love any Christmas music and can’t wait in the fall to begin playing it, but this year I cry when it is on. Putting up our large tree at Thanksgiving is always a highlight, and gifts are my love language—giving them that is. […]