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Lead by Chet Moyers

November 25th, 2015|

LEAD discusses the universal need for people of integrity who have high moral values, steadfast courage, and a contagious appeal that inspires others to follow and emulate them. Leadership is far more than “people skills.” The greatest resource regarding moral standards and leadership is the Bible. The character traits found there are practical and beneficial and need to be […]

Blessed: It’s a God Thing

November 25th, 2015|

This book shares a beautiful phenomenon that happened over Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas. One leg of a brilliant rainbow was centered on the Cross above the Prayer Tower, and the tower was engulfed in light from the setting sun. Many people upon viewing the photograph exclaim, “It’s a God Thing!” The intent of […]

Memoirs by Chet Moyers

November 25th, 2015|

This book records 75 years of a man guided, blessed, and protected by God. Starting on a small farm in South Missouri, serving in the US Navy during Korean War; surviving typhoon Marie; participating in the NASA space program; an engineering career in the automotive industry. His parallel life consisted of serving as chaplain […]

Memoirs: My Testimony of God’s Faithfulness

July 7th, 2014|

This book, written by Gail’s dad, Chet “Bud” Moyers, is documentation covering 75 years of a man guided, blessed, and protected by God. Starting with humble beginnings on a small farm in South Missouri, Chet Moyers served in the US Navy during the Korean War; survived typhoon Marie at sea; took part in the […]

LEAD: Character with Courage is Contagious | by Gail’s Dad, Chet Moyers

July 7th, 2014|

LEAD discusses this universal need for men and women of integrity who have high moral values, steadfast courage, and a contagious appeal that inspires others to follow and emulate them. LEAD suggests that leadership is far more than “people skills” and provides an extensive overview of leadership guidelines and examples. The greatest resource regarding moral standards and leadership is the Bible. […]

Blessed: It’s a God Thing

July 7th, 2014|

This book shares a beautiful phenomenon that happened over Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas. One leg of a brilliant rainbow was centered on the Cross above the Prayer Tower, and the tower was engulfed in light from the setting sun. Many people upon viewing the photograph exclaim, “It’s a God Thing!” There are many […]