Did your candidate win? SO… the election is over and we are supposed to be moving forward? Where exactly?

No matter your vote this past Tuesday, our nation is divided.  Like a battery with opposite contributions of negative and positive charges, this feels less than a strong current energizing us for tomorrow’s hope. Unanswered questions, uncovered facts, doubts and suspicions have left us wondering what is next. High rising taxes, expensive health care, debt, political agendas and uncertain days fail to impact one-half of the nation bathing in their victory parties. One periodical announced that we are now a Liberated Nation. Liberated to do what exactly? More disturbing to me is the outcome of the presidential choices, our nation is at polar opposites concerning values. How did we get here, and how exactly do we move forward in this tension?

It seems like we have experienced a tipping point and the speed of going over the cliff is moving at record speed and momentum. What will keep us safe? Can God bless America once more in spite of the direction we are hell-bent to travel?

I personally took courage this week to revisit my purpose and destiny. I told my husband it was the Paducah affect (my own label for a word picture). In Paducah, Kentucky, they have four rivers that come together in a confluence. With different streams, they eventually flow into the mighty Mississippi, making it a strong force. However, to those of us who are swimming upstream by loving life and valuing it; hard work; budgets; and embracing the wisdom of our forefathers and this nation’s foundation, it seems rather lonely.   When did living by Biblical principles seem irrelevant? When did valuing and loving life become toxic?  When did budgets become unnecessary?  When did documents cease to be read before signing them into law? When did truth become lies and lies presented as truth? When did likeability become more in vogue than providing leadership?

I am reminded of the discouraged prophet of long ago who thought himself to be the only one who had not bowed to a false god. Instead, God let him know he was not alone. Over 7,000 had not bowed their knee to Baal. They were still serving the only true and living God. Do we find gods to serve that never interfere with our lifestyle and moral choices?  Who do we serve now in America, if we are labeled as post-Christian?

Our goals, mission and life-calling have not changed. We simply want the freedom to worship God, live well, have an abundance for every good work and have a job.

The vote of yesterday’s election is over and now we have today. What will we do with it? How will we cultivate it? What will we produce in it?

Looking forward is more productive than looking back.  Our lives still have value and God still has a plan. Our admonishment to be “salt” is most precious in tasteless times and cultures, and light always helps in the dark. I am confident of one thing today, as I reflect on our family’s direction…there is a lot of blindness going on in the world… and that, I can see well!

Lord, open our eyes to the opportunities that are ahead.

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!