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Gail’s Blog

Join Our Simulcast Webinar on April 30 at 8pm

April 28th, 2013|

Breaking news—Tony and Gail McWilliams are doing their first inspiring national webinar simulcast on Tuesday night, April 30-8:00p.mm.(CST)!! Join us and spread the word to everyone you know. Listen to Gail’s short phone message at: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=40832850

Leadership and Communication?

April 25th, 2013|

Does leadership and communication go hand in hand? Do you have a vision for communication with those you lead?

In addition to speaking and loving people, my passion is leaders.  I am a Life Coach. However, I have specialized in my field of coaching and love my new title even more as a Communication Coach.

One […]

Seeing Beyond the Years

April 24th, 2013|

Tony McWilliams married me, 35 years ago, on the most romantic day of the year—income tax day! April 15!

The favorite word we share, after all these years, is “EXTENTION.” It is about more than a “taxing” marriage, but a hope and prayer. Extending our love, reach and opportunities are in addition to extending our yearly […]

Personal Decision Making Tools & Tips

April 18th, 2013|



Do you ask:

Why Me? Why Now?

Or should you consider:

If not you, then who? If not now, when?

Decision are NOT like strikes—3 wrong strikes and you are out. Decide to…

Decide to make better decisions.
Decide to be better informed.
Decide to weigh your options.
Decide not to be indecisive.
Decide to seek wise counsel.
Decide to course correct when a bad […]

Seeing Beyond: To Look or To See

April 16th, 2013|

I have heard it said that eyes that look are normal but eyes that see are rare.

However, I have found that eyes that see beyond are essential. Everyone has something to see beyond. Perhaps it is a closed door or a challenge

that seems crippling which blocks your view of life’s best. Some fail […]

Tough Decisions

April 12th, 2013|

One Day

April 11th, 2013|

I am often told by people who read my books or hear me speak that they want to write a book one day too. I quickly ask them, “What are you writing now?” Then I ask, “What day on your calendar have you chosen to get started?”

Deciding to do something and just thinking you […]

Personal from my own Life Coach

April 10th, 2013|

I wanted to introduce you to my first guest writer for my blog—Madam Wisdom. I received a message from Her today…well, from the Message version in Proverbs 8 about wisdom and it read like a personal letter from the best motivational books. Enjoy the words from one of the most effective inspirational speakers of all […]

What Defines a Leader?

April 9th, 2013|

What defines a great leader? When I think of great British leaders, two come to mind readily—Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher. Legends, courageous, visionaries and made of steel. They both remained solid and unbending yet molded history and policy. However, there is only one “Iron Lady”—Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher was the first and only female […]

Seeing Beyond the Time of Day

April 8th, 2013|

Overcoming Difficulties in Life
Standing one afternoon in a bookstore in Houston at the Woodlands Mall, I waited for the manager to show me where I would be seated to sign my books. A man approached me, asking for the time.

I greeted him and said, “I am not sure.” He said, “Well, you have a […]