Merry Christmas from Africa!

I hope you are with your family this year and celebrating. I am missing mine. I have been away from home for 112 days since moving to Germany to work with YWAM. I begin my third week in Liberia with two more months to go. I try not to count the days until I leave, because I want to be fully here, but it is hard at times because I think about different conditions than this third world country that has nothing. Giving them Christ is their only hope.

My favorite times are ministry to the children.  I work often at the orphanage for the deaf and mute. They have parents but they were abandoned because they were rejected.  Other children have surrounded me and asked me to take them back with me to America. This weekend our team went to Monrovia to do street dramas. Over 30 gave their lives to Christ yesterday.

Africa has been a culture shock. You always hear noise and sense spiritual warfare and no night is restful. The sun is scorching and the humidity high. We all really felt this a few days ago when we farmed some ground and planted with hoes for the people in this region. We used machetes to clear the ground first.

The living conditions of Liberia are challenging. Last night I looked around the room I share with three other girls. Bars on the windows, two mice near my bag, lizards and spiders on the wall with bats flying at your head outside at night. The water has to be drawn from the well and we live off a dirt road, not far from the red light district. There is no running water because all the pipes were dug up when they went through their years of civil war. The pipes were used for guns and the nation is still in the after math of war. Our days are all different and busy. Our meals always the same…white bread through the day and rice at night. The drinking water is filled with chlorine and makes my stomach hurt. However, I am willing to be used of God in this place

In three weeks we are moving 3 hours north. It will be in the bush near the nation of Sierra Leone. On Christmas Eve day our team will go to the ocean for a few hours. Our big treat is sharing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The Germans, who make up most of the team, celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve.

Thank you for your prayers for our safety and health.  Pray that God will use us to be His hands and voice.  I journal daily. I appreciate so much more as I watch how many live and try to survive.  Sometimes when we eat I taste the dirt of Africa. The people of Africa have captured my heart and my life will never be the same. Pray this nation comes to know Christ and live free. His love for them is great. Pray our efforts for Him will make a difference.

I love you. Merry Christmas.

(Lydia) Ellison McWilliams

From Lydia’s parents…

Our heart of thanks for praying and caring for our dear Lydia. She is one courageous young woman and we miss her terribly, but so proud of her choice to serve His purposes in her generation.

Please pray for the following:

*Her phone broke. It was also her camera and her only perk. We are trying to get a used iPhone to her by way of someone in Germany who will be traveling to Liberia in a few weeks.  Her communications is limited because she only took her phone and backpack into Africa. Any encouraging word is a gift to Lydia, who goes by Ellison, her middle name.

*Pray Lydia and the team will hear His voice clearly and obey promptly.  Conditions are poor and they are in a dangerous place. Two men tried to buy our daughter a few days ago. Lydia told us she was worth more than they wanted to pay. She still has her humor.

*Please pray for her to get rest and stay healthy. She feels the affects of a starch filled diet.

*She also has a rib out of place.

*Several on her team have been sick. Please agree with us in prayer for their divine health and safety.

I asked Lydia what she would like when she gets home in April. She said, “I would like to go to Walmart and sit in the freezer and eat something good.” How funny the things we take for granted. Our Christmas at the McWilliams is different this year and has new depth.  No material things seem important.  We all are wealthy beyond measure. Thank you for your continued prayers, support and love for our daughter. We will keep you in touch along the journey.

Blessings and Christmas wishes to you.

Gail and Tony McWilliams