future motivational leadersTis the season to attend graduations. Over the weekend, I was at the graduation class of our son’s High School.  Though Connor is a few finals away from completing his junior year, the class of 2014 was asked to attend the commencement of the class of 2013. It was a reminder of so many things close to my heart.

First, I had my own memories and accomplishments from long ago. The landmark of such an event represents hours of work and learning how to work the system. Knowledge and cramming. Memory association and true understanding. Friendships for life and acquaintances for a short season.  Grades and grade point averages; teachers and coaches; hirelings and mentors. Awkward moments and special events fill the hallway of our minds, but the best emotion of all is sheer relief! Done!!

Though graduation from High School is monumental, it is just one of many thresholds yet to be crossed. After all, life is the classroom. We don’t just develop leaders in school, developing leaders is a lifelong calling for some.  Like me!

As I sat watching the graduation I loved seeing the unexpected happen. The seniors were commissioned while holding a lit candle. Next, the juniors were asked to stand with their own candles as the seniors lit them.  Then the seniors of 2013 blew out their candle, displaying their high school run was over.  The upper school Principal charged our son and his classmates to finish the race set before them. The junior class was promoted to senior status with a mandate to lead the school well. The class of 2014 will always be special to our family since our son stood in the middle of the admonishment to finish well.

Any parent watching their child at graduation is filled with an overwhelming realization that time moves too swiftly. Where did the years go anyway? This point was augmented when the kindergarten class ended the graduation with a musical tribute and special remarks. Their words were mixed up and their voices sweet. You could hear some teeth were missing and the variety of personalities was adorable. In time, those same children will learn much and find their way in the hallways of academia. However, the contrast of starting the race and finishing reminded me of the speed of our lives.  Each day has value and it should be embraced while you train for tomorrow. Time is racing and our days numbered.  There is a prize waiting us and each diploma is an entrance ticket to the next new season.

We are now the proud parents of a new senior, commissioned to lead and finish well.  What an incredible focus as our son, Connor, turns developing leaders is a lifelong effortthe corner to head to the finish line of high school. Son, run strong and give it all you can muster for others are following you. It does not matter if you know exactly what you want to do next for there is a Great Guidance Counselor who will give you wisdom along the way. Just apply yourself to today and run to win. Enjoy the landscape along the way and hear the cheers from the sidelines. Your cap and gown await you, just around the corner.