Are you considering an end of the year contribution? December 31 will be the last day for any tax-deductible gift to our ministry for 2012.  You can give online for Generations Global, our non-profit foundation, at:, or by postal mail at the address below.

Thank you for teaming with us as we enter 2013 with His favor and wise strategies.  We have need of finishing this year in the black. We also have a desire for new reserves for all that is planned for the New Year. Here are some highlights:

*Gail is being filmed in January for a video series produced by June Hunt that will be distributed to every pregnancy resource center in America.

*Radio shows will continue with daily airplay through 147 stations in 19 states with plans for new expansion and marketing.

*Tony and Gail conducting new “Engaged in Marriage” events around DFW and the nation.

*Production of Tony and Gail’s co-authored book project, Engaged in Marriage.

*Reprinting of publications, including the reordering of our signature book, Seeing Beyond, with foreword by Zig Ziglar.

Thank you for your contribution. With you our reach is extended around the globe and His message of hope and vision is shared. We are grateful for your vital role as we team to serve our generation with good.

May the generosity of your life and your own vision be increased as we move forward. Only eternity will tell the reward of the sacrifices made today.  We know the heavenly interest is compounded and His dividends multiply daily. What a rare and precious gift to our world.

Thank you sincerely.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Gail and Tony McWilliams

Click here to donate online.
Or via postal mail (postmarked by December 31, 2012)
Generations Global
PO Box 701362
Dallas, Texas  75370-1362