IMG_0738_zps4d51b1dbJune Hunt is one of the most genuine loving people I have ever met. When you talk with her she turns full face to you, taking your hands and listening from her heart. No wonder her ministry is called, “Hope for the Heart.” Its impact spreads six continents and across sixty nations. Her ministry recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, and from the looks of things at her busy office in Plano, with 80 employees, they have no plans of stopping.

June is an accomplished author, vocalists, has two radio shows, and is known for her counseling series and work. June’s generous idea was to build an incredible office and conference center where ministries could have a top rate office for reduced prices. It is called the “Hope Center” and I hope to have my own office there one day soon. It only seems right since John Maxwell coined me an “Ambassador of Hope”, and it is located close to us in the metroplex. It is a beautiful building and feels like a warm and inviting lodge with a fireplace and Southwestern decor and even antlers hanging over the mantle. It is a gift to many, and different conferences and Christian events take place there. Her vision is unending and her big heart ever expanding.

I teamed with June and her staff this past week for a strategic video series that will be offered to pregnancy centers to the nation and internationally. The project is designed to speak to different issues and needs that would be helpful for women facing a crisis. In addition, different subjects are addressed with words of encouragement and counseling tips for their leadership and revolving volunteers.

I was asked to tell our story and inspire others to see beyond. My favorite subject is the topic of hope so this was an easy assignment to speak from my heart as well. One treat is that I took my makeup artist with me for the video shoot. She, too, was asked to be recorded once they discovered it was our daughter and the defining choice that was made that day when the doctor said, “Gail, you have to choose between your baby and your eyes.” Her view of that decision left the crowded room silent. Lindey shared how she thinks of that choice often as she raises her own little boys. I wanted to cry. It moved me. But being ever so vain and practical since I did not want to ruin my make-up for the next video shots, I refrained—for that moment. However, the tears came later as I rehearsed what all happened that afternoon and its potential impact around the world. It truly is an amazing story of grace and valuing life is a lifestyle.

I was also asked to share some of my funnier tales in life. The room tried to be silent…but it was not always successful. I love seeing people try to hold in laughter. I assured them I could tell the story in a sad fashion but we all would be depressed. The endless messages and angles of our miracle story and His vision in a dark place is a perfect opener for capturing any heart, in any season. It is timeless and I am so grateful for the joy to see our darkest hour turned into eternal purpose, filling all of our hearts with Hope. After all, Hope always sees.