I love the tapestry of life. It provides brilliant colors and divine designs; however, the interesting thing is when the threads are intertwined and woven back together later in the Master’s piece.  Such is the case with an old friend and television director when we lived in the Midwest.  My husband and I had a weekly television show. and the television station director was Mark Dreistadt.  Together, we all created shows, but after a decade or so, our paths went different directions—until last year.

Mark was instrumental in giving us the boost we needed for attending the National Religious Broadcasting Convention this past year in Nashville. Someone had forwarded to him an email that simply stated, “Radio might be in my future.” That statement came from my dreaming aloud one afternoon while in Denver, Colorado as I waited on a connecting flight during an 11 week speaking tour. I have always loved people and loved encouraging them. Out of nowhere, or so it seemed, I blurted out to my husband while waiting on our plane, “I would love to have my own radio show.” He simply agreed and that was it. However, that fall I did more radio interviews than I had ever done before that time. One day I did three interviews in one day in California on three different networks. One had me co-host and then turned the whole show over to me during the interview. I think God was eavesdropping and calling my bluff.

Infinity Concepts

 I was surprised one afternoon to get an email from Mark after not having talked with him for over 15 years. Mark  notified us that he had two tickets for the NRB convention, and he gave them to us.  Mark’s line of work and corporation includes media, and he serves on some boards with the NRB association.

 The rest is history. My husband, Tony, and I had just arrived at the convention and were walking down the hall of the Gaylord when I heard a voice behind us saying, “It’s a McGreat day!” Even after not seeing my friend for over a decade, I still recognized his voice and suddenly turned around to greet our old friend, Mark. What joy and what a small world.

 If the only two events I have named were all I would experience for the rest of my life, I would be wealthy beyond words and ever appreciative for Mark’s life. However, his kindness did not stop there. Mark introduced me to his team and staff for his Marketing Company called, “Infinity Concepts.” They have been the midwife and coach for me in finding my DNA and articulating my life purpose, mission and vision. It is more than mere buzz words. It is the core of what I am, and what I do. Plus, because of them, we launched our new website and branding strategies as we followed their advice and counsel.

Infinity Concepts is a genius organization, and everyone should see the different programs and helps they offer.  They have helpful blogs for getting to the next level; different levels of coaching and training; and Mark’s own DNA program that will bring new ideas, insights and clarity to your focus and dream work. They are masters at pulling all the pieces together from your social media to practical help as you build for the future.

Thank you, Infinity Concepts, and thank you, Mark, and your team for helping us launch to new heights and expanded territory. You asked once what I want to do with my life. Thanks to you and your probing, I found the answer within my heart, where it had been buried all this time.

My life’s purpose is to inspire others to “See Beyond.”

What’s yours?

Mark Dreistadt: TFWM Website 

Infinity Concepts: Website

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!