dcc9ba3c-fb2f-412c-856f-8c3c2b13c884_zps56c2a23dAlong my journey in life, I meet some of the best. Two gentlemen I want to focus on today with my “Guess Who I Met” blog is, Oran Arazi-Gamliel and Craig Cushman, top executives with a great company named, “Rodan and Fields.” Oran lives in Israel and travels to the States each month. Craig is from Atlanta. Both were in town recently for a business meeting, and I had the joy of meeting them. We sat and talked for an hour. Both called back to simply say, “Thank you for making me feel better about life.” It was my joy.

Since my initial meeting, I have grown in my partnership and business they represent with the two most renown dermatologists—Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields. They first gained their global brand with the product, “Proactive Solutions.” Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields were two college friends from Stanford who had an idea. The gurus of markets said it would not have much bearing on a 200 million large potential. Years later, with a 1.6 billion market, and growing, they own 80% of it, or more. Now they are projected to dominate the anti-age market with their company, “Rodan and Fields.” No longer are there skeptics, since it is projected to be ten times the success of their former product.

I have learned so much about skin care and business. I love the R and F products and benefit from them personally. Skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and stewarding your face, addressing all the issues–from blemishes, to sun damage and dark spots, to sensitive skin (my personal challenge)–encompasses everyone, no matter the gender or age. You may have good genes, but that represents only 20%. The rest is left to you. Most never take the time to preserve their face. Unfortunately, life’s journey can be seen too well on most faces. There is hope. Changing sun levels and environmental influences damage our skin, but it can be reversed and our skin enhanced, and the amazing results are luxuries anyone can enjoy. Plus, their business model is amazing if you are looking to own your own business, leveraging their global success, experience and passion to see others helped. Another plus, any good surfer knows the place to be positioned if you want to ride the wave is in front of it. This is the same way in the marketplace with the growing anti-age movement from boomers to younger. My daughters are much more educated and passionate about skin care than I ever knew to be at their age. Contact me if you want to know more. I am a huge fan. You would have to be blind not to see the opportunity. AND, anyone who might be blind can do the daily regimen in minutes. I should know!

Congrats to you Oran for your global vision and plan to take Rodan and Fields around the world. Craig, may you grow in vision and heart as you oversee national growth in Rodan Fields. Face it my new friends, you have been positioned “for such a time as this.” Anyone could have your job…but they don’t. It is you! Lead on.

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!