When I think of “Turn Your Heart Toward Home”, there is only one couple that comes to mind—Steve and Annie Chapman. They are incredible people who live what they sing.

Focus on the Family used that particular song as their theme song for many presentations that Dr. James Dobson gave.  Steve and Annie are symbols of Godly marriages and families focused around Christ.  Their children, Heidi and Nathan, are assets to their message, and now grandchildren join the line of treasures.

I first met Steve and Annie when Steve was a member of the band called “Dogwood.” Soon they took a new direction and Steve and his bride went on the road together, singing and writing books. They both are fantastic communicators. Steve is very funny while Annie is his inspiration for even more humor. Their laid back approach and approachable ways have won the hearts of thousands over the years.

Our daughter, Lindey, and I opened for them in a concert at Milliken University many years ago. I sang and Lindey danced to “Children are a Treasure from the Lord.” Both of our emphases on family has been a common thread.

When my husband pastored we brought the Chapman’s to our community for a concert. I vividly remember the crash on that winter evening when the wall coat racks fell during one of their songs. Without flinching, Steve worked the surprise into his lines and put the crowd at ease. Steve quips about his background as a PK (preacher’s kid) who married a DFK (dairy farmer’s kid). I can still remember laughing until I cried when he told the story of warming his hands one cold winter morning before showing his manhood by milking the dairy cow of Annie’s dad.  The results of that before dawn, West Virginia morning ended Steve on his tail on the ground and utterly shocked. By far, he handles a guitar much better, and the songs he writes are filled with heart.

Recently, when I was in Nashville at the NRB Convention, I ran into Steve and Annie. They were signing their new book, “10 Ways to Prepare Your Daughter for Life,” (formerly titled, “10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know).”  Reading their books is like sitting and talking over a cup of hot chocolate. Steve’s love for hunting targeted men in his book, “A Look at Life from a Deer Stand.” I loved Annie’s book, “Running on Empty.”

Seeing them again was a delight, and they had not changed over the years.  I most love how they care about people and still laugh in life.

After twenty five years of ministry and songs of family as the centerpiece, they remind us that from a “Circle of Two” a family begins. Loving and parenting children may have challenges, along with marriages, but the home is where our hearts must be, no matter the busyness of life and careers.

Thank you, Steve and Annie, for pointing us back to our homes and instructing us to give our hearts to the ones who will carry on our legacy and name. You have given us “Tools for the Trade.” And warmed our hearts too.

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!