quotes of encouragement, what is a keynote?, save your marriageCare to know my behind the scenes secrets for recording my new daily radio features being released around the nation? You may forget, like most, that I do not use any notes or scripts, nor can I even see the clock! Hitting the time mark each show is a bit of a challenge—only because I have so much to say. The miracle is– that I can get anything said in two-minutes, let alone our one minute features! Thanks to a great engineer and producer and the sounds going off in my head.

So, if I have no notes and all of the features are straight from the heart as I use my mind to concentrate on what and just how I will tell my McTales of encouragement, I have to be also keenly aware of my signals. At the one minute mark I am given a beep. Of course, it cannot distract me as I am deep into the fast track of telling my story. Then at 25 seconds I am given a sound of crackling static. Any louder sound would make me jump because I am listening so intensely to each sound and my thoughts. Still, I must never let on that I heard anything. At the last five-seconds I am given the sound of a little birdie, similar to the alert on someone’s iPhone when they get a text. At this point, I am suppose to be in the middle of a wrap-up and saying my closing tag—“When you choose to look past the horizon, the sky is the limit.”

Funny, now when I am out and about and I hear someone’s iPhone go off, hearing my familiar birdie sound, it makes me want to say aloud to the listening world around me, “Hey! When you choose to look past the horizon, the sky is the limit.” The only thing missing is my announcer, Wayne Shepherd, and my customized song as the show ends.

Now you know… “the rest of the story.”

Who needs a script, clock or even lights? Just roll the tape, Larry, and let’s knock out some radio features from the heart. I have much more to say.


What cues are you waiting for?

 When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!