communication and leadershipTony and I are excited to announce tonight is our first webinar/simulcast to the nation and around the globe. It is designed to share our vision and also to hear from speakers who encourage us. This is a strategic time in history and the pace has accelerated.  We want to give you a taste of our ever-expanding ministry, plus inspire you .

Some dear friends and motivational leaders have joined us with their interviews.  Also included are some sound bites, pictures and an invitation to partner with us for the days to come.  Can you join us?

It will be live, April 30, at 8:00 (CST). One great and special voice from a motivational leader known around the world will surprise you. Another special highlight is an interview I did with my own Dad and a word from our life mentor. Plus, some friends from coast to coast—directors, government leaders, top radio executives and more will join us. I cannot wait to share our friends with you.

Tony and I will also announce two new projects underway. It is true—“the sky is the limit!”

Years ago, Tony and I hosted our own television show for seven years. The new simulcast has that same feel, and I love it. We hope to bring more in the days to come with special focus and teaching.gailmcwilliams motivational leaders

Tonight we will also share a clip from the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) Convention where I received the “Higher Vision” award.  At the end of the webinar/simulcast there will be links to the interviews in their entirety. We will also hear from a life that was drastically changed from the radio outreach. It’s all exciting. We look forward to your participation and feedback. Please spread the news to all you know.  The space is limited for this first live broadcast. Please pray with us that it will be effective.

In the days to come, we will also have a link for those who could not get in or had a time conflict. We plan to make this the first of many special features. I love production and my mind is going non-stop now.  Encouraging people is my passion.  If only they all could see what I see! Vision is essential for this hour, and living on purpose is rewarding beyond this life. Knowing you have value and reaching for more is hope laced with faith. Life is contagious and joy is limitless when you give yourself away to serve others. It is just the beginning.  What could be next for your life this 2013? I McWonder. Reach out to invite someone or contact others to join us.  I will be looking for you on the front row.

EVENT: April 2013 Webinar with Tony and Gail McWilliams
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, April 30th at 8:00pm Central; 6:00pm Pacific
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast–it’s your choice)
DIAL IN: 206-402-0100, Guest Code: 529680#