Facing a crisis, women of influence, motivational stories for employeesI remember hearing once about a sister from long ago who looked for a helpful hand. Martha was her name. It was at her house that the Master, Jesus, and his apostles were coming for a meal. Her sister, Mary, never lifted her hand to help with the preparations, and that irritated Martha. Mary focused instead on the feet of her Savior. It was there that she sat. Martha remained encumbered with the work of ministry, coping with stress, while Mary fellowshipped and worshiped the One reason for it all.

I always thought that Martha was a grouch and whiner while Mary was praised for being irresponsible in her duties but applauded in her choice. Now, I see that both sisters were correct in their choices but their timing amiss. I am reminded by their story in Luke 10:38-42 that discernment is always needed in any situation. There is a valid time of using your hands for the tasks at hand. While at other times the details need to be set aside and our hands used to worship Him as we lift them in adoration and praise. What if Mary had given her sister a hand earlier in the day of preparation?  After all, “many hands make light work.” If only Martha had paused from her all consuming work to sit at the feet of her Lord and be refreshed for service.

I am certain that every time you hear this familiar story you identify with one of the sisters. We all have probably neglected both needs at sometime. I know many who are consumed with the details of ministry and are in need of refocusing on the reason for it all. On the other hand, I know people who are so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good. Don’t you? May the Lord give us the ability to discern His presence and not miss His visitation when He comes. May we also have eyes to see the practical needs of ministry and lend a hand to the pressing needs around us.

What about YOU? What do you need help with today?

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!