overcoming blindness and valuing lifeWhen did life become so toxic and politically incorrect?

I do not understand the devaluing of people and especially babies. Is it because we cannot hear their cries that we go on our merry way? How convenient to crank up the noise of life and drown out the horror of over 55 million children slaughtered in America alone, and this is only with the states that keep records.  A trapped seal and a beached whale are more protected than an innocent and helpless newborn. How could we be so blind?

I know several frustrated contractors who must meet specific requirements and codes to preserve the unique animals, insects and creatures so our ecological climate is not upset and rare species preserved. When will babies be put on that list too? The dumpsters of our corner abortion clinics are filled with mass murders and most think it will never impact their environment. Some cities have smoke stacks from the incinerators of discarded babies, and the air is filled with the scent of regrets and mistakes of yesterday.  How can this be so controversial? Isn’t it clear to the naked eye?

The recent shock and revulsion of the Pennsylvania doctor who was tried and convicted of several first-degree murders, only because he was caught, was inconceivable. At what point, or should I say, at what number, did the conscience of Dr. Gosnell stop working? Killing fully developed babies with the slice of a knife and the twisting of a neck, reminds me how our grandmothers used to kill their country chickens for dinner. It all repulses me.  Did the staff and abortionists have to close their eyes not to see the innocence they held and the eyes that looked at them while they took their last breath?

I loved the anchorman recently who said they were already dead when they were in the birth canal, due to the solution given to them in the womb. Really?! The drink of poison and acid numbed the scissors and knife? Who tampered with your sight that you would overlook such a blatant death, so that you might live free of an inconvenience?

Dr. Gosnell—and others like you—I am not sure what I fear for you most. You have created your own living hell and the murders you overcoming blindiness valuing life 2represent, and one day you will see it clearly.  What horror when you realize what you have done. The numbers have exceeded Hitler. His desire was an ethnic cleansing and your goal is cash.

Surely there is an alternative to abortion? Life is for living. Each life has value. Life is a sacred treasure.  Who will stop this needless shedding of innocent blood?  Overcoming blindness is a choice. Open your eyes America and speak up for life. It is our richest commodity and resource.