think_big_by_babekhaHave you ever been asked at a fast-food restaurant, “Care to super-size your order?” For only a few cents more, you can have your drink and fries super-sized to the largest available. What a deal! More sugar, fat and salted grease—for a savings.  America in general has enlarged their portions and super-sized plates of food are served as the norm any more.

So why do we live so small? How can we go bigger in one area, but smaller in others?

Super-size your life is the question that God offers us for free. Psalms 68:19 says, “Bless be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits.” His middle name is abundance and His dreams for us are larger than our own—bigger than life.  I love the song lyrics, “Dream big because all of heaven is dreaming big for you.” Yet we often see God as a dream killer and we fear what He has purposed for our life. Why such small thinking when God is beyond our imagination?

The Designer of life, creator of the universe, arranger of the galaxy of stars, and artist of each sunrise and sunset has positioned you for this time in history and given you innumerable gifts, skills and ideas. Yet many live fearful of tomorrow and feel stuck.  We tend to magnify every problem, but His Word says to “Magnify the Lord.” God is as super-sized as it gets, yet our narrow view often makes Him seem small. If He is limitless then why would you put limitations on what He can do in your life? He can super-size any day.

Small thinking, negative attitudes, words of criticism, and fear of failure leaves you living narrow. The energy and focus it takes to live small is exhausting. Living free and believing you can, and living confident that He will, is without borders and each day filled with surprises. What would it take for you to live super-sized today?

Ask God to super-size your day. Ask that your eyes open to the potential around you.

Focus on His ability and not merely your own.

When you choose to look past the horizon the sky is the limit!