Your decision will impact someone else. Unless you are living on an island, each decision has a ripple effect. Plus, living alone on the island has already impacted us. We miss you!

  • Your decision will have lasting consequences

Cause and affect are like breathing. What cause and what affect do you desire?

  • Your decision is not just for the moment

Moments make minutes, then hours, months and years. Living for the moment does not mean there are not long lasting repercussions.

  • Your decision is worth making

People who cannot make their own decisions usually have someone appointed by the state to make them…

Living in indecision is like being caught in a wind storm with nothing nailed down. Each day just falls where it wills.

  • Decision should be made on principle.

Principle is like the law of gravity—consistent and dependable.

  • Decisions are constant.

Have you decided what you will do next time you have to decide? What is your compass in life and your accurate gage for advancing?

  • Weigh the pros and cons of your decision and see what best fits your life goals and vision.

Take the time to see both sides and pick the winner in the ring of possibilities.

  • What is the evidence of your decision?

With the jury out and the verdict undecided, will your decision hold up under cross examination with no regrets?

  •  Decide