Over the past months God has used you in our lives and ministry efforts. Thank you.

We have gone from influencing hundreds to thousands, and since the launch of our radio features, now millions. However, we need your immediate consideration and help to finish this year well.

We experienced an unexpected set back recently. All of it created our own perfect storm.  In spite of a very busy summer and early fall, including the production of 260 radio programs and traveling to five states, the balance of our autumn schedule hit a lull.

We took this as good news, as it provides the months needed to finish two books—Gail’s, Stuck or Positioned, and the combined efforts of co-writing our first marriage book, Engaged in Marriage. This book will also be offered in our marriage events by the same title. However, our speaking engagements represent 90% of our income. Though it might seem like we have been “laid off,” we are loaded with work and new ideas.

In addition to the dilemma above, a few weeks ago we were expecting a rebate of $4,000 and this was targeted to help offset our empty calendar. Instead, we had to pay $5,000, after our accountant submitted our ministry and personal tax papers. In reality, it feels like a $9,000 loss, plus no immediate bookings. The result is serious and we also had to lay off our assistant. Our hearts are sad and we are desperately trying to hear His voice about what to do next.

Tony has been considering and talking to others about some temp jobs, but no door has opened. Our hearts are to keep our hand to the plow and keep working on the assignments and opportunities at hand.  For every moment actively looking for other options, and exploring what potential we hold in our hands, all take us from doing what needs to be completed at this season—content development through writing and building a strong itinerary.

Additionally, some new mini conferences are on the table for further development, and Dallas will be our first city to offer them. New networking contacts and interest continue to grow. It is just a matter of time to see us back in full bloom and our calendar overflowing—and with new books in hand. Some upcoming events already for 2013 are: speaking at Liberty University; a women’s conference; a fund raising key note for some life resource centers; a marriage event, and a corporate event. There is room for even more and we are more than willing.

As you pray would you consider helping us with an immediate gift?  Would you also consider our ministry for any end of the year giving? Thank you for your help and love.

Because of the cultural compromises of our nation it is apparent to us that our voice of hope and inspiration is needed more than ever. Salt is appreciated in tasteless situations and light is a gift in dark places.

We have renewed our commitment to serve His purposes in our generation by continuing to offer speaking, books, marriage seminars, teaching, keynote speaking to assist life affirming centers on the frontline of life.  Our web site has taken off and three new blog posts are added weekly. Video/Skype interviews are scheduled to begin and will include guests from around the nation. And there is more!

People remain our focus, no matter the venue, from faith-based to corporate, and radio expansion nationally. We realize that we must set our heart and focus without distraction on what is before us as our prayer is, “God make us effective for your name sake.”

Thank you for teaming with us all these months and years. Along with representing Christ, we represent you. Please pray for us and continue to be part of our McTeam.

We love you and thank God for you.

Gail and Tony

Telephone: 888-270-0182

Click here to donate online.

Or make checks to “Generations Global” and mail to
Generations Global
PO Box 701362
Dallas, Texas  75376-1362