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Gail’s Blog

Weeping the Loss

December 17th, 2012|

Loss of any kind is hard, but when it comes to your elementary child in a needless shooting at their school, it is beyond understanding. The world is in shock over the senseless slaughter of 20 innocent elementary students in Newtown, Connecticut and 6 staff, when a deranged gunman stormed Sandy Hook Elementary School […]

Driving Again

December 13th, 2012|

Recently, I noticed my Texas I.D. was expired. I must have overlooked its importance on my last birthday while celebrating another year. However, I suddenly knew I must address the little card since I was speaking in another state, and the TSA Agent at the airport would be attentive to what I had failed […]

The Eagle’s Nest

December 10th, 2012|

Recently I was asked to speak for an organization called, “Nest Effect.” The venue was rather cool because it was a movie theater and our story played for the first time on the big screen. It was an intimate setting for these business and community leaders who had gathered in their own cozy nest to chat, brew […]


December 6th, 2012|

Amazing are the long lasting effects of the perfect storm, Sandy, this fall. My friend, Carl, was in NYC, working last week when a piece of meat got lodged in his esophagus . Beyond his meal being rudely interrupted, and the table full of clients thinking he was having a heart attack, he could […]

Leaving Germany; Headed for Africa

December 5th, 2012|

Can you believe I have already been in Germany for three months? It has been snowing and getting colder here, so I have started packing to move to Liberia, Africa to warm up. Yes! I am leaving in less than five days for my mission trip in Liberia and there is so much to […]


December 3rd, 2012|

I am often asked, “Gail, what do you see?” This of course is a sensible question since losing my eyesight gradually giving birth to five miracle children.

I often tell people they look ten pounds lighter and their hair looks awesome and the clothes they are wearing the coolest. Usually, it is met with laughter […]

Celebrating Zig!

November 29th, 2012|

Life is to be celebrated especially when it comes to my dear friend, Zig Ziglar. Every encounter I have had with this man has impacted my life profoundly. He is a legend, known worldwide, and his life has matched his contagious message. Once sitting over dinner Zig reminded me, “Gail, when you have a […]

The Stare

November 26th, 2012|

I was sitting in the snack area of Costco while my son and husband were getting a slice of pizza. We were about to tackle the shopping for the week and it was lunch time. Funny as it may sound, the pizza bar at Costco is one of my guys’ favorites and ever so […]

Guess Who I Met: Bill and D.J. Ligon

November 23rd, 2012|

We have dear lifetime mentors and the closest of friends, named Bill and Dorothy Jean Ligon. They pastor a church in Brunswick, Georgia called Christian Renewal Center, and have impacted leaders across the nation.

Tony and I first met Pastor Bill when he was teaching at a training center in Crystal River, Florida, where we served one […]

Happy Thanksgiving

November 22nd, 2012|

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you doing reading my blog today? How is your holiday going? Feeling stuffed like your turkey?

I find holidays to be filled with expectations that are rarely met. I once heard it said that an expectation is a premeditated grudge. With any holiday there are too many variables out of our control; […]