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Guess Who I Met?

Guess Who I Met: James and Betty Robison

September 28th, 2012|

Several months after meeting my dear friend, Zig Ziglar, I received a call from the producer of “Life Today” with hosts, James and Betty Robison.  They asked me to be a guest on their television show.  I wish then I had listened to Zig’s encouragement days before to write a book on my life […]

Airport Music

September 27th, 2012|

“Low I am with you always.” is what Jesus promised. This is not literal, I hope, since I fly all the time. These past few years have been constant traveling due to speaking engagements nation wide. I love what I get to do!

This past year I found myself rating the music in airports. Did […]

Guess Who I Met: Melody Green

September 21st, 2012|

One of my fall speaking engagements was held at the Sheraton Hotel Convention Center in Overland Park, Kansas, for a non-profit organization. I had been asked to be the key-note speaker and team with them to raise their budget that year.

The setting was a ballroom that was filled to overflowing. Nearly a thousand met […]

Guess Who I Met: Ken Davis

September 14th, 2012|

Have you ever met a genuinely funny guy? There is none other but my dear McFriend, Ken Davis!

My husband and I were asked to speak at a conference in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. We had received permission to bring our youngest children, Lydia and Connor. They were young teens at the time and […]

Guess Who I Met: Freda Lindsay

September 7th, 2012|

One spring, when we lived in Central Illinois, I was passing through our family room and the television was on with no one in the room. I had a stack of towels in my arm from the laundry room and I was headed to put them away. Irritated that the television was on aimlessly, […]

Guess Who I Met: Zig Ziglar

August 31st, 2012|

In the lull of my life and career, my own words set me apart for some divine surprises. At the beginning of 2004, I randomly said to my husband, “I want to speak for some corporations this year and have lunch with Zig Ziglar.” Tony only said, “Okay.” And life continued with no apparent […]

Guess Who I Met: KaKa

August 24th, 2012|

In the spring of 2010 I was blessed with the privilege of speaking in the nation of Spain. I was accompanied by my husband and our two youngest children, 16 and 14 at the time. Also joining our efforts were my interpreter, who was a native of Spain, and our driver, whose roots were […]

Guess Who I Met: Rick Perry

August 17th, 2012|

No matter your political preference or party lines, there is a man whom I dearly love. Governor Rick Perry is one of the nicest and funniest guys I have ever met. He is personable, caring and attentive. IF he could have campaigned for the top elected office one on one with no debates, he would have […]

Guess Who I Met: John Maxwell

August 10th, 2012|

I had the honor of being asked to speak for Jack Hayford’s National Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia a few years ago. Pastors and spiritual leaders met from around the nation to be inspired and gain new direction for the coming year. Among the heavy hitters on the program were two of my favorites—Jack […]

Guess Who I Met: Joni Eareckson Tada

August 3rd, 2012|

People have always asked me if I have met Joni Eareckson Tada. They have often connected our triumphal stories of joy and victory in the middle of what many might call a “disability.” This word alone is for writing since it packs so many misconceptions and misunderstandings. Sometimes any disability is more in the […]