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Guess Who I Met?

Guess Who I Met: Star Parker!

December 7th, 2012|

I had the joy of having dinner and sharing the green room one night with Star Parker before taping the television show, “Life Today, with James and Betty Robison.” The outside marquee read, “Star Parker” with the second line saying, “Gail McWilliams.” It looked like I was being honored as the valet super-star of the […]

Guess Who I Met: The Madeira Family

November 30th, 2012|

Years ago, Tony and I had our own weekly television show that ran in Central Illinois for seven years. One of our directors was Mark Dreistadt, who also had a daily program. One day we were the guests on his show, and at the end while the credits ran and the microphones were silenced, we continued to […]

Guess Who I Met: Bill and D.J. Ligon

November 23rd, 2012|

We have dear lifetime mentors and the closest of friends, named Bill and Dorothy Jean Ligon. They pastor a church in Brunswick, Georgia called Christian Renewal Center, and have impacted leaders across the nation.

Tony and I first met Pastor Bill when he was teaching at a training center in Crystal River, Florida, where we served one […]

Guess Who I Met: Jean Ziglar and Laurie Majors

November 16th, 2012|

I talk often about my friendship and deep respect for my friend, Zig Ziglar. However, it is time to talk about the one he calls, “The Red Head.” Jean Ziglar is one class act and sweet friend who is the wind beneath her husband’s feet and his prized treasure. Jean is one of the kindest […]

Guess Who I Met: Mark Dreistadt and Infinity Concepts

November 9th, 2012|

I love the tapestry of life. It provides brilliant colors and divine designs; however, the interesting thing is when the threads are intertwined and woven back together later in the Master’s piece.  Such is the case with an old friend and television director when we lived in the Midwest.  My husband and I had a weekly […]

Guess Who I Met: Steve and Annie Chapman

November 2nd, 2012|

When I think of “Turn Your Heart Toward Home”, there is only one couple that comes to mind—Steve and Annie Chapman. They are incredible people who live what they sing.

Focus on the Family used that particular song as their theme song for many presentations that Dr. James Dobson gave.  Steve and Annie are symbols of […]

Guess Who I Met: Shannon Grove

October 26th, 2012|

A few years ago, Tony and I had the joy of hosting a Senator and his family in Texas. We all were invited to the Governor’s prayer rally event held in Houston at the Reliant Stadium. We also brought our son, Connor, who was15 at the time. It was an incredible event. We had […]

Guess Who I Met: Tony Evans

October 19th, 2012|

Our family is originally from the Midwest. While raising our children in Central Illinois, I enjoyed doing my work with the radio on, tuned into our Christian network. It was a friend to me and at times a lifeline in those busy years of child rearing.  My laundry room was tucked away with its […]

Guess Who I Met: John Hagee

October 12th, 2012|

During the years my husband was a pastor in Illinois, we attended a pastor’s conference at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, pastored by John Hagee. It was outstanding, and the limited attendees kept it intimate with personal time to get to know others well.

Friends of ours from Georgia were some of the guest speakers […]

Guess Who I Met: Senator William Ligon

October 5th, 2012|

In a day when people have become cynical about politicians on both sides of the aisle, they often lump all of them into the same heap with career gluttons and ineffective history makers with little to no backbone. However, each office holder has a story and life outside the public eye. What incredible joy it […]