A new month has begun; the ground hog has emerged from his hole and the Super Bowl championship decided. Did you watch? Some love the game while others love the show. Award winning commercials, food galore and a reason to party is inviting. Cheering from the sidelines, beyond the ticketed seats, include people watching around their TV, observing two teams with interest and choosing their favorite team by skill, cool uniforms, who’s who on the field, and what stars were on the recent movie screen. This year was filled with exciting plays, strange shortages, uncommon rulings and a dead heat battle till the end. My 78-year-old dad said it was one of the most exciting Super Bowl games he has watched. What’s a championship all about? Goals!

What about your own personal game of life? Have you reached any of your goals? Taking the time to set them is not about a wish list you cannot obtain. It is instead about a vision, focus and specific reach for more ground than where you are presently standing. Which direction are you headed on the game field of life anyway?

Some moves to ponder…shutterstock_29806798

*Have you identified your goals?

*Who or what opposes your goals?

*What skills are needed to meet your goals?

*What will it take to resume play action if you have been knocked down, pushed back or fouled?

*Who are you playing for and what voice are you listening to for coaching?

*What benefit will a win give you?

*What can be learned from your losses??

Many are in the game of life, but not ready. They have failed to suit up, read the game book and practice.  Some have not even identified what goals they are running towards. It is time to list yours and do all you can to win.  Your biological clock is counting down. Skills, timing and team effort makes champions. The game is far from over because of an upset or push back. Keep your head in the game and stay focused on the goal at the end of life’s field.

The voices you listen to are crucial to win big. Who are mentors in your life who see the value of your own and teach you from their seasoned experience and view? Are you coachable? Obstacles, challenges, mistakes and long passes build endurance and strengthen your desire for your determined goal. Keep playing to win.

The grandstands of eternity cheer you on. Goals made only for the applause of men will distract you. Play to win whether you are being watched or criticized . In the end, the goals of your life will impact a watching world in time. For this reason, choose wisely the end zone of your life and play with all your might.

It’s not too late to get off the bench and win.

When you choose to look past the horizon… the sky is the limit!